
If you live in an older home, it’s possible that there are some environmental hazards present. Some of the most common hazards are lead and asbestos, which were widely used by homebuilders in the early 20th century. Protect your family by hiring a removal professional to abate the damaging substances. After addressing the issue, a drywall contractor can restore the home to its original condition. Here’s what you need to know.

Why Is Asbestos Harmful?

Asbestos refers to a collection of naturally-occurring minerals made with minuscule fibers. These pieces are resistant to heat and chemicals, and they were often used to produce floor tiles and home insulation, as well as add texture to ceilings and walls in older homes. Inhaling the microscopic fibers can be dangerous because the particles can become lodged in the body’s mucous membranes, digestive tract, or lungs. This can cause serious health issues, including lung cancer and mesothelioma.

Why Is Lead Dangerous?

drywall contractorLead occurs naturally, and it was a primary component in wall paint. Even if a drywall contractor repaints a surface with a fresh coat of safe color, the risk of exposure is still present. Anything from a slight scrape to a deep gash in the wall will release lead-contaminated dust throughout the home. The substance can settle into vulnerable areas, like door frames, window sills, and stair banisters, which everyone in the home comes into contact with regularly.

Which Homes Are Most Vulnerable?

Homes constructed before 1980 may contain asbestos. The material was frequently used because it was readily available and cost-effective. You’ll likely need a professional assessment to determine if there are particles in the air.

Lead-based paint was used in homes that were built before 1978. Only after this year did the government ban the use of the product, so it’s still widely found in homes.

How Do Professionals Resolve the Problem?

To eradicate asbestos, the technician will identify the presence of the contaminant before removing it completely. They may encapsulate the fibers to prevent them from contaminating the air.

To resolve lead, a drywall contractor may remove the affected portion entirely and replace it with a new structure. Technicians may choose to encapsulate the surface, but this is only applicable to small portions, as the coating may wear with time.


Homeowners throughout Oahu, HI, trust the drywall contractors at J&D Builders, Inc., to resolve their lead and asbestos abatement concerns. This locally owned company offers a variety of services, including home renovation assistance, insurance repairs, and painting. To request a consultation, send a message online or call (808) 680-0506.
