
When you make a list of household tasks to tackle, vacuuming is most likely on the list. If you’re in a hurry, though, or if your carpet looks clean, you might be tempted to skip this chore. There are several strong reasons you should vacuum your carpets and area rugs regularly. Below, learn why you should be completing this chore often and thoroughly. 

Why Do You Need to Vacuum Your Home?

Every day, you and your family shed millions of skin cells. These cells mix with the dust, pet dander, and other allergens in the air, and land on your carpets, where they become an ideal food source for dust mites. As if the idea of all these microorganisms living in your carpet wasn't enough to get you running to the broom closet for the vacuum, mites also leave their waste on the carpet. Dust mite feces contribute to allergic reactions, but regular vacuuming helps remove both the mites and the dust and debris they feed on. 

Beyond maintaining a sanitary environment, regular vacuuming helps keep your carpets in prime condition. When dirt and debris get caught in the fibers of the rug, it’s more difficult to remove them, and this can contribute to stains and odors. Dirt left in the rug can also damage the fibers, making your rug look worn and damaged more quickly. 

How Often Should You Vacuum?

vacuumA general rule of thumb is to vacuum your carpets at least once a week. If you have pets or your family wears shoes indoors, you need to vacuum at least twice a week or more. Don’t wait for your carpet to look dirty. Chances are if you can see that your floors need cleaning, you should complete the task as soon as possible. 


If your vacuum isn’t keeping your carpets clean and fresh, turn to the experts at Riehl Sew N Vac in Anchorage, AK, for help. For more than three decades, this team of factory-trained professionals have been repairing vacuums and sewing, quilting, and embroidery machines. If your vacuum is beyond repair and you need a new one, they’ll guide you through every step of the purchase. To learn more about their services, visit their website or call (907) 563-2909 to set up an appointment to have your vacuum serviced.
