
Not every car accident scene is going to show the whole picture. Some injuries may not become apparent until hours or even days after the crash. For this reason, it’s important to closely monitor your health, get prompt medical treatment at the first sign of trouble, and seek the legal counsel of a personal injury attorney. Here’s a closer look at three common injuries with symptoms that may not be obvious right away.

A Guide to Delayed Injury Symptoms After an Accident

1. Neck Pain

Whiplash is one of the most common accident results that personal injury attorneys see, and, in many cases, its first signs don't emerge until anywhere from hours to several days after the crash. Whiplash is a kind of soft tissue damage that affects the muscles, ligaments, and tendons in the neck and shoulders. It occurs as a result of the head snapping forcefully from one position to another, usually due to the impact of the collision, the force of a sudden stop, or the violent movements of the car being tossed around. Symptoms of whiplash include neck or shoulder stiffness and pain, especially with movement.

2. Headache

personal injury attorneyLike neck pain, a headache should never be ignored after an accident. Headaches frequently accompany whiplash, but they can also be a sign of something much more serious, like a traumatic brain injury.

TBIs don't always show symptoms right away, but post-crash headaches are often the first indicator. Major concussions, blood clots, and brain swelling or bleeding are all types of TBIs and require emergency treatment. 


Post-traumatic stress disorder occurs after a person has survived or witnessed a terrifying event, and a car accident is among the scariest experiences one can have. PTSD is a mental health disorder that interferes with a victim's ability to live their life, and its first symptoms may not show up until days, weeks, or months after the triggering event.

Signs to look out for include intrusive thoughts about and flashbacks to the accident, depression or mood swings, self-destructive behaviors, and a state of hypervigilance. These symptoms may be minor or intermittent at first and worsen over time.


Always see a medical professional as soon as possible when distressing accident symptoms present themselves. Then, consult a personal injury attorney to start seeking compensation for the setbacks you've had to experience. Lein Law Offices has offices in Hayward and Winter, WI. Since 1983, the firm has been representing clients in injury, workers' compensation, bankruptcy, and estate cases. Call (715) 634-4273 or visit them online to schedule a consultation with a personal injury attorney to claim the compensation you deserve.
