
With the low temperatures that winter brings, homeowners are more reliant on their heating systems this time of year. A functional furnace keeps your house warm and cozy, but the increased use during the colder months will ramp up your utility costs. However, there are ways to save on costs without sacrificing your level of comfort. Here’s what you should know. 

3 Tips for Lowering Your Utility Costs in Winter

1. Seal Windows & Doors

No matter how high you set the temperature, if you have leaky windows and doors, warm air can escape. This makes your furnace work harder to maintain consistent temperatures, driving up your heating bill. Seal openings around windows and doors to prevent drafts.

Using a caulk gun, apply an even line of caulk along the perimeter of the window, smoothing it out with your fingers before it sets. If needed, prep the area first by scraping away old, cracked caulking with a putty knife. Also, apply weather stripping around drafty doors or shrink-wrap window panes using window film and a heat gun to keep out drafts.

2. Wear a Sweater

heatingTo save on utility bills, lower the heat. Instead of raising the temperature indoors to 72°, keep it steady at 65°. Then, use sweaters, long-sleeved shirts, hand warmers, and other winter-appropriate clothes to stay warm.

3. Use a Programmable Thermostat

A programmable thermostat will save you money on heating by lowering the temperatures on mild days or when you’re outside your home. Some modern programmable thermostats are Wi-Fi enabled, allowing you to turn the heat on or off remotely from a tablet or smartphone. If you mistakenly leave the heat on while you're away from home for an extended period, you can switch if off from your mobile device to conserve energy.

Programmable thermostats also have zoned heating features that enable you to heat a room by square footage. Older thermostats, on the other hand, heat larger areas that may not be in use. According to Consumer Reports, using a smart thermostat allows you to save $50 or more annually on your energy bills.


When you need HVAC services in Wood County, WI, contact Steve’s Plumbing & Heating. They offer high-quality furnace repairs, boiler maintenance, and air conditioner replacements to keep a comfortable temperature in your home. If you have any questions, call (715) 421-1800 or send them a message on their website.
