
Popular beliefs hold that long, dark winter days are likely to feed depression. However, mental health counselors have discovered that suicide rates and thoughts of suicide tend to spike in the spring. This time of year can be tough for those grappling with depression, and it’s important to be mindful of your own mental health, as well as that of others around you. Here’s how you can stay vigilant.

Recognizing Signs of Depression

Be mindful of others during the spring season, and check-in with friends and family members who are dealing with depression. If you notice behavioral changes, invite them to share with a neutral, non-pushy statement like, I’ve noticed you have been feeling down lately. 

counselorKeep an eye out for signs of depression, including a hopeless outlook, loss of interest in activities, anxiety, irritability, fatigue, and sleep problems. Suicidal thoughts are another red flag to watch for. 

Responding to Suicidal Tendencies

While there are often concrete reasons for suicide, the motivations are often hidden. Show empathy by listening to their feelings, and be there for friends and family who you know have experienced such thoughts, but understand that they may not share every detail with you.

Encourage your loved one to see a counselor for non-judgmental, confidential, and professional assistance. You can still be there for them, as a sounding board and for support, but talking to an expert will help them pinpoint underlying motives for suicidal thoughts and find ways to overcome them. 


Colleen Torrence, LPC Inc. provides compassionate and confidential mental health services in Juneau and Southeast Alaska. A Licensed Professional Counselor, she treats patients of all ages, from children to adolescents and adults. To meet her clients' needs, she provides expanded counseling hours on weekends and evenings. She has been working with clients since 2007 and has a history of success. Take a look at her bio online to learn more about this counselor’s credentials. For an appointment or consultation, call (907) 789-9212.
