
If they’re just starting daycare or preschool, you probably don’t expect your child to be a social butterfly. However, encouraging them to make friends and engage with their peers is critical to their development. It can teach them how to take turns, read social cues, and even become more self-confident. If you want your child to grow in more ways than one, take advantage of the following tips.

3 Ways to Help Your Child Socialize

1. Set Up a Playdate

The next time you pick up your little one from preschool or daycare, pay attention to the other children in their class. If anyone seems to be trying to engage with your son or daughter, find their parent and ask if you can set up a playdate. If not, just choose the one your child is assigned to sit next to, as they’ll likely be most familiar with that boy or girl. By bonding outside of school hours with someone in their class, they also strengthen their socialization skills while at school by reminiscing about the playdate afterward.

2. Practice in Advance

preschoolPrepare your child for the playdate by telling them what to expect. If it will be at your house, ask your child to think of ways they could be a good host. For example, they might want to set out certain toys, books, or snacks for their friend. Then, come up with a list of activities that your child and their friend might have fun doing together. Role-play as if you were the friend, and encourage your child to share their toys and make conversation.

3. Don’t Be Afraid to Step Away

While your child may be used to having you looking over their shoulder 24/7, you’ll need to give them a bit of space to really allow their new skills to take off. For example, if they know they can always rely on you to urge the other child to give them a turn, they’ll be too shy to ask on their own. Instead, take off the training wheels and supervise from a distance. That way, if your child wants to communicate something, they’ll have to do it themselves.


At Wilde Kingdom Early Learning Center, the staff is always striving to encourage socialization between students. This Fairfield, OH, preschool and daycare center accepts children from throughout the Tri-State area between the ages of 6 weeks old and 6 years old. When under their supervision, you can rest easy knowing your child is safe and mentally stimulated. To learn more about their program offerings, visit the website. Call (513) 563-9453 to arrange for a tour of the learning center.
