
There’s lots of misinformation out there about alcohol consumption. For example, many people believe that they can try various tricks to sober up after a long night of carousing before getting behind the wheel. Unfortunately, many of these either don’t work or are outright dangerous. If you’re hoping to avoid a DUI and other negative consequences, a cab ride home is a better option.  

3 Myths You Shouldn’t Believe About Sobering Up After Drinking

1. Eating Greasy Food Will Help 

Many people believe that salty, fatty treats will help absorb drinks. Although the appeal of this idea is undeniable, it’s unfortunately incorrect. 

Eating a large meal before drinking can slow the feelings of intoxication, but the alcohol you consume will still circulate in your bloodstream, and eating after you’ve already had drinks will have no effect.

Sadly, drinking cold water also doesn’t help — though consuming it instead of reaching for another beer can help you imbibe less alcohol overall. 

2. Down Some Espresso

duiSince alcohol is a depressant—a substance that lowers your heart rate and makes you feel tired—you might think that drinking a stimulant like a cup of coffee or espresso would reverse its effects.

While the caffeine in this drink will make you feel slightly more alert, it won’t force the alcohol to wear off. It can also be deceiving. Many people interpret a slight spike in energy as restored sobriety, when in reality, they are still affected by impaired judgment and motor skills.

3. Just Sleep It Off

You might have urged by friends to simply lie down and “sleep it off.” Unfortunately, sleep doesn’t speed up the rate at which alcohol wears off. Depending on your exact body composition, it takes about an hour for each standard drink to be processed.

If you’ve had quite a lot to drink, you may still feel drunk when you wake up. Also, if you have consumed quite a lot of alcohol, going to sleep can be risky. To stay safe and avoid a DUI, find a sober friend to give you a ride home. 


The lawyers at Fiandach & Fiandach of Rochester, NY, care deeply about the safety of their clients. They have been fighting for their clients’ rights since 1979. They bring more than a century of combined experience in DUI case law to the table.To speak with an attorney today, call (585) 244-8910 to schedule a free consultation. Visit the website to learn more about their team.
