
Aging is a natural part of life. Although everyone experiences it, some people age more quickly than others. A key factor associated with the rate of aging is telomere shortening. Telomeres are sections of DNA that form a protective cap over the end of each chromosome in your cells. Each time a chromosome replicates, these telomeres shorten until, eventually, the cell can no longer divide. At this point, the cell will die, causing the body to age. Fortunately, there are healthy living choices you can make to help slow this process down. Learn more about some of the factors that influence telomere shortening below.

What Causes Telomere Shortening?

1. Obesity 

Obesity is related to higher levels of oxidative stress and systematic inflammation, which results in accelerated telomere shortening. A high percentage of body fat puts extra stress on cells, causing damage to the telomeres. Eating a well-balanced diet is vital for staying at a healthy weight and protecting your telomeres. Incorporating foods and beverages that are rich in antioxidants, like hydrogenated water, can help limit the effects of oxidative stress. 

2. Stress 

healthy livingAccording to The American Institute of Stress, those who are exposed to chronic stress typically have shorter telomeres. When stress arises, more cortisol is released into the body, preventing the activation of telomerase. This leads to premature cell aging, which has also been associated with a variety of health conditions, including heart disease, osteoporosis, and poor immune function.

3. Lack of Exercise 

Being physically active plays an integral role in healthy living. Exercise reduces oxidative stress and increases proteins that encourage telomere stabilization. In one study, adults maintaining a sedentary lifestyle were found to be biologically older by approximately nine years than those who regularly engaged in high levels of activity. As such, lack of exercise has been linked to faster telomere shortening. Drinking hydrogenated water during a workout can help enhance the results by aiding in muscle recovery and preventing oxidative stress.


If you need help achieving healthy living goals or have questions about combating the effects of aging, turn to Naturally Plus Hawaii. Based in Honolulu, they’re committed to providing residents across the Islands with high-quality products designed to promote better health and wellness. As the only company selling hydrogenated water in the country, they’re proud to have one-of-a-kind supplement options available for those in search of natural remedies. Call (808) 258-6966 for more information on their offerings.
