
Skunks are known for spraying bad-smelling liquid at potential threats, so you certainly don’t want to find one inside your home. If this does occur, you can minimize the impacts by taking the proper animal removal steps. You should also take steps to prevent more unwanted visitors from entering your home. Here’s what you need to know. 

How to Get the Skunk out of Your Home

When you first spot a skunk in your home, stay calm, and move away from it slowly. They get nervous around people and other animals, which might cause them to spray in your direction. This can cause major skin irritation and even temporary blindness, so keep kids and pets away from them, as well.

animal removalIf given the opportunity, the skunk may try to leave on their own, so open an exterior door and close off other paths. However, don’t shoo the skunk in that direction, or you will risk getting sprayed.  

If they don’t leave right away or you can’t access an exit without getting too close, call a professional animal removal company. They have the experience to understand when to approach, as well as snare poles and other tools to physically remove this pest without getting too close.

How to Prevent Future Visits

Once the skunk has exited, take steps to ensure that more animals won’t get in. Close doors and windows, and seal any gaps around your home’s exterior, especially in an area where a skunk was spotted. Also, make sure that all food sources are completely sealed and covered, including trash, as animals often enter homes looking for something to eat.


If you’re having troubles with a skunk or have other animal control needs, call American Bio-Tech Wildlife Services in New Milford, CT. This nusiance wildlife removal company serves homeowners and business owners throughout the state, offering everything from bat control to squirrel removal. In business since 1971, the company focuses on humane wildlife control methods and stays away from the harsh chemicals often utilized in the industry. Visit the company’s website to learn more about their services. To request assistance, call (860) 355-1231.
