
Advertising your products is the chance to get creative with your business. If you have a large window at the front of your store, you have a unique marketing opportunity. Storefront windows have a lot of potential for bringing in customers, so here are some tips for what you should and shouldn’t do with them.


Keep it tidy.

Your storefront windows are just like signs, electronic marquees, or any other tool used for product promotion. They need to be clean and tidy to send the right impression to potential customers. Make sure you sweep and mop the inside area, and wipe down the glass on both sides.

Think eye level.

You don’t need to fill the storefront windowsentire window with your products. Instead, you want to place your items at eye level. If clothing is hung too high, customers will have to strain their necks to look up at it, or if shoes or purses are too low, someone might not see it. Use some pedestals or shelves to elevate your items or place your clothes on a mannequin to ensure that people see what you’re selling.


Overdo it.

It’s easy to get caught up in designing your storefront window displays, and you may feel inclined to put every item you can in the space. However, having too much to look at can be overwhelming. The more products people have to look through, the less likely they are to focus on any one item. Select a few items to advertise and don’t create too many distractions for your customers.

Forget to change it.

A display in storefront windows may have the potential to reach a lot of people. However, leaving it up for too long may mean the same people will see it over and over. The advertisement will then provide diminishing returns, just like a commercial that’s run for months. Try changing the display every few weeks or when you receive new merchandise you’d like to sell.


When you’re looking for a professional glass installer to help with your storefront windows, choose locally owned and operated Aladdin’s Glass & Screen Products in Nicholasville, KY. For over 25 years, this commercial glass installation expert has been a trusted resource for businesses and homes alike. For commercial glass doors, custom mirrors, shower doors, and more, visit their website or call (859) 887-4070.
