
To steer clear of extensive furnace repairs, check your HVAC system regularly. That way, you can navigate any potential problems without having to worry about significant expenses or a complete furnace breakdown. Try implementing the following advice to enjoy an energy-efficient furnace all year long.

How to Maintain Your Furnace

1. Check & Clean the Air Filters

If it’s doing its job, the filter fills with dust, hair, and dirt to prevent airborne debris from damaging the appliance and disrupting any mechanical function. However, a clogged filter makes it more challenging for the unit to draw in and circulate air. The furnace must use a lot more energy, causing the system more stress and costing you more in utility bills. Change the filter at least every three months to keep the unit functioning properly.

2. Clear the Surrounding Area

The furnace needs space—3 feet to 5 feet around the unit, to be exact. If you place household items too close to the appliance, it can create a safety hazard due to the method of ignition. Also, the air can’t filter as easily through the room if your belongings sit too close. Along with the area around the furnace, clean the register vents, which can clog with dust and debris like the filter.

3. Utilize Your Living Space

Furnace RepairTo avoid unwanted drafts, ensure the bottom and sides of the garage door seal completely and close the windows and curtains when you go to bed. Open the curtains during the day to let sunlight warm your home naturally. Since heat rises, sometimes the majority drifts toward the ceiling and eventually settles in the attic rather than your living space. Turn ceiling fans on low and reverse the direction so they rotate clockwise; this pulls cool air toward the ceiling and circulates the heat back down toward you.


For additional information on furnace repair, contact Guelzow Heating & Air Conditioning Service. This Wisconsin Rapids, WI, heating contractor provides all aspects of heating care, including furnace installation and repairs. They’ve served customers since 1953 and can also cover your emergency furnace repair needs. Call (715) 423-1086 to schedule an inspection, and explore their services online.
