
Higher heating bills can seem inevitable once winter arrives. With the proper care, however, they’re easily avoided. By sticking to a few residential HVAC best practices, you can stay comfortable without spending substantial money. These ensure you don’t waste energy or put too much strain on your system.


Purchase a smart thermostat.

Smart thermostats are the best way to reduce energy waste. Program your system to turn on and off as needed when you’re away. Some systems allow mobile connectivity and will provide reports each week with advice on how to lower your bills. Come spring, you’ll enjoy the same benefits when it connects with your air conditioning system.

Add more insulation.

Insulation can reduce thermal transfer in your home. Make sure your attic is well insulated. Consider adding it to garage walls as well. You’ll find warm air stays in longer, reducing the need to run your heater. When warm weather returns, the cold air will behave similarly, reducing cooling bills.


Forget to change air filters.

residential-hvacChanging out your air filters makes a significant difference in system efficiency and air quality. When these are clogged, your system will struggle to push warm air into your home. This overworks your HVAC and wastes energy. Check them at least once a month and replace them as needed. Also, schedule a residential HVAC duct cleaning for further benefits.

Skip a residential HVAC inspection.

Residential HVAC inspections are the best way to detect issues with your system. A technician will look at the blower, heating element, and other features to ensure they’re working efficiently. If they find minor issues, they can repair them before they turn into more significant problems. Schedule inspections before winter and before spring since the respective heating and cooling systems have been off for several months.


Ready to schedule a residential HVAC inspection? Evans Heating & Air Conditioning has served the Newark, OH, area since 1959. Their skilled NATE-certified technicians work with many industry-leading products and provide 24-hour emergency assistance. Whether you need furnace repairs, air conditioning repairs, or general maintenance, they’ll ensure you get the most from your system. Call (740) 522-2611 to speak with a representative. Learn more about their services online.
