
Most groundwater contains dissolved minerals, typically at concentrations too low to affect the taste or your plumbing. However, hard water with excessive levels of calcium and magnesium will have a strange taste, shorten the life of your equipment, and can even affect your shampoo. In many cases, a modern water softener can remove these minerals, leaving your water supply fresh and pure. Here’s what you need to know. 

What Are the Signs of Hard Water?

Dry, Itchy Skin

Calcium and magnesium interfere with the interaction between water and soap, making it harder for cleansers to fully dissolve. The same soapy residue that’s left in the shower will also stay on your skin, trapping in dead skin and sealing moisturizer out. The result is dry, itchy skin that gets worse after bathing.

Stains & Mineral Build-Up

water softenerWhile hard water is safe to drink, over time, minerals build up in and around your fixtures. You may notice a white, chalky residue around faucets and drains or discoloration in porcelain sinks. The biggest issue is the buildup inside your pipes, which can restrict the flow and decrease your water pressure.

Rough, Dull Clothing

Hard water makes laundry detergent less effective, and the magnesium and calcium stick to clothing fibers, leaving them feeling stiff and rough. In extreme cases, mineral deposits can break the fibers, causing your clothes to wear out faster.

What to Do About Hard Water

While you can’t necessarily control the mineral content of the water coming into your home, you can treat it before it enters your pipes. Modern water softeners are extremely effective at removing calcium, magnesium, and other minerals, even at high concentrations. Installing a water softener has immediate benefits, including better-tasting food, a cleaner bathroom, and softer, healthier skin.


If you’re dealing with soap scum and stained sinks, Bernie Buchner, Inc. will ensure that the water coming from your fixtures is clean, pure, and mineral-free. Since 1952, they’ve been serving homeowners throughout La Crosse County, WI, and the Tri-State Area, offering friendly service from highly trained technicians. Visit their website to learn more about their water softeners, get more tips and updates on Twitter, or call (608) 784-9000 for 24/7 service. Text JOIN to (608) 480-8709 to receive text message updates.
