
Whether you want to stream music or video chat with friends and family, high-speed internet is a must-have in the modern world. Registering for a service that provides a fast connection is the best way to ensure convenient access, but many homeowners are curious about how they can optimize their usage. Here are the answers you need. 

4 Internet Speed FAQ

How can I check my internet speed?

If you want to check to see if your current internet speeds are matching the service you’ve been paying for, there are many online tests you can use. For example, the Ookla Speedtest® is a popular option for gauging download and upload speeds with just one click. To ensure accurate results, make sure to stop any downloads or uploads you currently have in progress.

What should my internet speed be?

The types of activities you do online will determine how fast your connection should be.

If your household has light online activity—such as emailing, uploading small files to the cloud, and web browsing—you may not need a connection that’s more than 25Mbps for downloads and 3Mbps for uploads.

high-speed InternetYou’ll need a much faster connection if your home uses multiple devices and engages in activities that demand a lot of bandwidth, such as online gaming or streaming video. For these situations, high-speed internet with upload and download speeds between 50Mbps and 100Mbps is recommended.

Why does my internet speed change at different hours of the day?

Unless you have a dedicated internet connection, your online activity is likely influenced by other users in your area. During peak hours, more bandwidth is being used. As a result, you might experience a decline in connection. This prime time often occurs between the hours of 9 p.m. and 1 a.m. 

How can I improve my internet speed?

Apart from upgrading to a faster service, there are several actions you can take to boost your connection speed.

Reducing online activity in your home can improve speeds. You can often achieve this by turning off mobile devices or canceling active downloads. It also helps to restart devices and clear your web-browsing cache every so often. 

If you use Wi-Fi, it’s also important to make sure your router’s service radius is big enough for your home. Moving the router to a central location may improve connections.


When a slow connection is complicating your life, turn to Volcano Communications Group. This Pine Grove, CA-based cable television and internet provider offers a variety of solutions to support all types of online activities at an affordable rate. They even offer fiber connection rates of up to 100Mbps in some areas. To learn more about their high-speed internet options, visit this provider online or call (209) 296-7502.
