
If your dentist finds a cavity during a routine check-up, he will recommend a filling. A popular choice today is a composite filling, because of their effectiveness in protecting the enamel and providing a better appearance than amalgam fillings. If you want to learn about composite fillings, below are a few answers to common questions.

What You Should Know About Composite Fillings

What is a composite filling?

This filling is a mixture of plastic and silicon dioxide. Created in the 1960s, it became popular because of its nearly identical color to teeth. Dentists use them for restoring the enamel of your tooth and for cosmetic procedures by remodeling deformed or broken teeth.

What are the advantages of composites?

Composite FilingsThe most obvious advantage is their ability to blend with the rest of your teeth, giving your smile a uniform look. They will also bond chemically with your teeth, strengthening their structure. And distinct to amalgam fillings, they don’t have mercury in their mixture, which is hazardous if swallowed.

What is the process of attaching composites?

After applying a local anesthetic and cleaning remaining cavities, your dentist will place the composite filling in layers. After each layer, they’ll use a specialized light that hardens the mixture, binding it with your tooth. The last step is polishing any excess to form a perfect, healthy tooth.

How do you make the fillings last longer?

The average composite lasts around ten years. But with proper care and regular dental checkups, they can last a lifetime. So, brush and floss your teeth every day, and avoid sugary food, as it can damage your tooth’s enamel. A diverse and healthy diet will prolong the life of your filings and protect your teeth from future cavities.


If you need a professional dentist with expertise in composite fillings, turn to Kimberling City Dental Center in Stone County, MO. Serving the Tri-Lakes area for over 32 years, their expert assistance and commitment to customer satisfaction make dental visits informative and helpful. Visit them online to learn more about their full range of services, or call (417) 739-4965 to schedule an appointment.
