
Pets can develop dental problems just like humans, compromising their ability to eat and receive the nutrition they need. Fortunately, veterinarians can offer pet dentistry services, improving your animal’s comfort. Here are three common dental issues in pets, and why you shouldn’t hesitate to reach out to a veterinarian at the first sign of trouble. 

What Dental Issues Do Pets Experience? 

1. Periodontal Disease

Periodontal disease is caused by the buildup of oral bacteria in a pet’s mouth, resulting in bad breath, reddened, inflamed gums, and even oral infections like abscesses. Pets can develop periodontal disease just like humans, and your animal could be left struggling with loose or missing teeth as a result. 

During checkups, veterinarians will check the teeth for signs of plaque and tartar accumulation, gum issues, and infection, and provide the necessary cleaning and sanitation to restore their smile. In some instances, your pet may even be given medication, such as antibiotics, to fight the infection. 

2. Tooth Fracture

veterinarianSince pets tend to chew on foreign objects, bones, or other hard materials, dental fractures are not rare. Unfortunately, broken teeth can cause a great deal of pain, since the internal portions of the tooth containing the root may be open to the mouth. If you notice your pet has a tooth fracture, visit a veterinarian immediately. In some cases, the tooth may need to be extracted to protect your furry friend. 

3. Lodged Food 

Another common dental problem your animal may face is small food particles or objects stuck between teeth or within the gums. Since these items can create bleeding and infection, they will need to be removed by a veterinarian. 

Pay attention to any behavioral changes your pet may have after eating. If they eat slower than usual, or whine while they chew, then check their teeth and look for lodged food or debris. 



If your pet appears to be having a problem eating or seems uncomfortable when chewing on their favorite toy, the team at Pet Health Clinic in Daleville, VA, will examine their teeth and find a solution. With a focus on offering fast, effective diagnoses in pets, this trusted team of veterinarians can help your furry friend overcome dental injury and live a healthier life. To find out more about their services, visit their website or call (540) 992-4550.
