
Many homes across the country have hard water flowing through their pipes. This type of water contains high amounts of dissolved minerals, such as calcium and magnesium. While you may not notice any health complications from drinking it, hard water can cause a variety of other problems that impact your daily life and can create a financial burden. Fortunately, installing a water softener can help resolve these issues. Consider the following adverse effects of hard water.

What Impact Can Hard Water Have on Your Home & Body?

1. Skin Irritation 

Many cleansing products are unable to completely dissolve in hard water since it’s full of minerals. Thus, when you bathe or wash your hands, the mineral residue will linger on your skin. This can clog your pores and cause skin to become dry and itchy. It may also change your skin’s pH balance, which will reduce the protection it provides against infections and bacteria. Using a water softener will make it easier for soaps and shampoos to dissolve so that they can be thoroughly rinsed from your skin.

2. Mineral Deposits 

water softener Branson, MOMost households deal with soap scum periodically, even if they don’t have hard water. However, hard water leaves behind soap scum and lime scale deposits that are especially challenging to clean. It’s common to continually find scale buildup on faucets, bathtubs, shower surfaces, and dishes. Water softener systems will help get rid of minerals so that you can reduce the time and effort you put into cleaning the bathroom. 

3. Damaged Plumbing & Appliances

Hard water can also cause scale buildup in your pipes and on your appliances. Over time, these deposits will begin to restrict the water flow in your plumbing system and result in clogs. Devices will lose their efficiency, leading them to work harder. This causes them to go through more wear and tear on them, decreasing their lifespan and forcing you to invest in replacements sooner than needed.


If your home is being affected by hard water, turn to Hewitt-Messenger Well Drilling & Pump Service. They offer reliable and effective water softener solutions to residents throughout the communities of Springfield, Republic, Rogersville, Ozark, and Branson, MO. Backed by more than 40 years of experience, they’ll provide you with a professionally-installed system designed to neutralize excess minerals and improve the quality of your water. Call (417) 725-8816 to request an estimate, or visit them online for more information about their services.
