
Homeowners must follow a regular maintenance routine to keep their siding, trim, and windows in top shape. From cleaning to picking up debris, there are a lot of to-dos to master. Here are five maintenance tips to follow at your home.

A Guide to Exterior Home Care

1. Keep Vegetation Trimmed

Grab some sheers or pay an arborist to maintain the trees and shrubs on your property. If the greenery gets out of hand, branches may pose a threat to the yard or damage the roof and windows in a heavy wind. Keeping this flora in check will limit issues and promote excellent curb appeal.

2. Wash the Exterior 

windows Hamilton County OHHomeowners must wash their windows and siding several times a year. Use a power washer and environmentally friendly soap to spray down the surfaces and remove pollen, dust, and debris. This will keep the house looking fantastic and prevent staining that can occur if you let windswept debris sit for months at a time.

3. Use Exterior Pest Control

Inspecting the trim and weatherproofing around vents, pipes, doors, and windows will help you spot rot and other weak spots where pests may get in. Address these issues and trim back all vegetation within several feet of the house to avoid creating natural highways for insects and rodents to enter the home. Consider calling a pest control professional to treat the exterior foundation or walls to further limit the likelihood of pest issues.

4. Get Roof Repairs

Seasonally inspect the roof to ensure everything is intact and watertight. Start by going up to the attic during the day and see if you see any sunlight passing through the ceiling. Also, look for streaks or watermarks that indicate a leak.

Next, do outdoor inspection by walking around the house and looking at the roof for any missing shingles or gaps. Contact a roof repair specialist to perform repairs as needed, so your home is ready to withstand the elements.

5. Address Pavement Issues

Chips and cracks in the driveway or sidewalk can cause trip hazards and make pavement more prone to moisture damage. Fix cracks or have the pavement replaced to ensure the safety of everyone who uses it and address unsightly damage.


If you’re interested in professional outdoor maintenance, contact Sterling Exteriors in Hamilton County, OH, to learn about their more than 15 years of commercial and residential siding, window, and roofing projects. Call the Cincinnati-area company at (513) 685-8055 to schedule an appointment or visit the website for information on their services.
