
If your dentist recently told you that you might need a root canal, it’s natural to feel a little nervous. Many myths surround this procedure, most of which concern pain. To help you prepare for your appointment, here’s more information about its importance and what to expect.

Frequently Asked Questions About Root Canals

Why do I need one?

The pulp, or the soft tissue on the inside of a tooth, can become infected due to decay or an injury. If bacteria are allowed to multiply, it could form an abscess, or pus-filled pocket on the root. The tooth can also fall out because the underlying root and bone have sustained damage.

What will happen during the procedure?

root canalX-rays show the dentist the extent of the infection before the procedure starts, and you will receive local anesthesia to keep the area numb. The dentist also keeps the affected tooth dry using a rubber dam.

Because pulp plays a role in tooth development only, you do not need it as an adult. A root canal removes it from the affected tooth by creating a small incision through which the dentist cleans out the infection.

Is this painful?

Root canals cause about the same level of discomfort as routine fillings. Avoiding the procedure is much more painful because it allows the infection to progress. The affected area should start feeling better once inflammation and related sensitivity diminish.

What will I need to do for aftercare?

Over-the-counter medications keep pain and swelling down, and you may require antibiotics to kill any remaining infection. Report any serious swelling or other symptoms to your dentist.

You’ll have to avoid chewing on the affected side until sensitivity diminishes. As with any procedure, it’s also best to avoid strenuous activity for a few days.


If you need a root canal, make an appointment at Anchorage Dental Center. Based in Anchorage, AK, this family dentistry practice offers solutions for patients of all ages. They offer gentle, compassionate treatment to ensure your smile is restored in no time. Learn more about root canals on their website or call (907) 278-2521 to schedule one.
