
Any criminal charge can impact your life, but not all offenses are equal. Connecticut and federal law both recognize that some violations are less severe than others, so offenses are separated into categories: infractions, misdemeanors, and felonies. The type of charges you’re facing has dramatic impacts on the possible penalties and the amount of bail bonds required to secure your release.


Infractions are violations so minor that they usually aren’t even considered criminal offenses. Most violations can be settled without appearing in court if you choose to plead guilty and simply pay the ticket, for example. Convictions for an infraction typically carry a fine, but don’t result in jail time or other penalties. In Connecticut, fines for most infractions must be at least $35 but no more than $90; although, tickets for speeding and some other violations may be higher.



Less serious criminal offenses with maximum jail terms of one year or less are considered misdemeanors. In Connecticut, misdemeanors cover a broad range of violations, from criminally negligent homicide and 3rd-degree assault to drug possession and disorderly conduct. Many jurisdictions have preset bail amounts for misdemeanor offenses, so you might be able to get out without spending a night in jail.


The most serious criminal offenses are considered felonies, which carry more severe penalties. This category includes impersonating a police officer, some DUI charges—punishable by one to five years in prison—and violent crimes that could result in a life sentence. Depending on the circumstances, some misdemeanor offenses may be elevated to a felony, allowing prosecutors to seek harsher penalties.


No matter what charges you’re facing, you can rely on the professionals at 3-D Bail Bonds to get you back home where you belong. We have offices throughout Connecticut, including in New Haven and Hartford counties, that are staffed by experienced bondsmen who have worked with every jail and law enforcement agency in the state. Visit us online to find your nearest bail bonds service today, follow our Twitter for updates, or call (860) 247-2245 if you need to process Hartford bail bonds. If you need bail bonds in New Britain, call (860) 229-2525, or dial (203) 562-6666 to reach our New Haven bail bonds office.
