
Taking care of your gums should be a top oral hygiene priority. If you neglect your gums or skip trips to the dentist, you could be putting yourself at risk of significant, painful gum problems. Here are a few common gum issues to keep in mind.

Which Gum Problems Are Common in Adults?

1. Swollen Gums

If your gums appear red instead of their normal pink color, they may be swollen. While inflamed gums can be an early sign of gum disease, they can also result from aggressive brushing. If your gums become tender after brushing, use a softer toothbrush and clean your teeth more gently.

2. Gingivitis

dentistCaused by plaque and tartar buildup, gingivitis is an early form of gum disease. If your gums are still inflamed after switching to a softer toothbrush, you may have gingivitis. Make an appointment with your dentist before the condition progresses.

3. Periodontal Disease

Without proper treatment, gingivitis can escalate into periodontal disease, an advanced form of gum disease. This condition can destroy gum tissue and bone, increasing your risk of tooth loss. The bacteria buildup from periodontal disease can also get into your bloodstream and affect your heart and lungs. Common treatments your dentist may offer include root planing, antibiotics, and flap surgery.

4. Gum Abscesses

Gum abscesses are blisters or bumps that develop in the gums from a bacterial infection. These abscesses can cause severe pain in the affected area and make it difficult to chew. Other symptoms include pus discharge, bad taste in your mouth, and sensitivity to hot and cold foods. Your dentist can drain the abscess to get rid of the infection.


If you think you may be experiencing any of these gum issues, turn to dentist Brian W. Charles, DMD in McCall, ID. Dr. Charles and his staff have been providing quality dental services to patients of all ages for over 30 years. From routine oral exams and tooth extractions to periodontal care, their expertise covers a wide range of dental care needs. For more information, call (208) 634-7653 or visit their website.
