
In many apartment rental agreements, tenants must shovel walkways and driveways in front of their homes during winter. That’s because passersby could easily get injured on slippery surfaces. Making sure you remove the snow provides the following benefits.

Why Snow & Ice Should Be Shoveled

Compacted snow- and ice-covered walkways are a significant liability. Anyone who falls has grounds to file a negligence lawsuit against the landlord or tenant for failing to maintain safe conditions. As shoveling duties are in the apartment rental lease, the landlord could also penalize you. By performing snow and ice removal, you avoid steep fines and legal trouble.

Shoveling snow is also common courtesy and shows you are a kind neighbor. Having a clear driveway also allows service trucks to access the apartment rental, reducing the risk you’ll get a bill for costly damage to vehicles or equipment. Preventing snow and ice buildup on fire hydrants, dryer vents, and street drains will ensure equipment is easy to access in emergencies.

Tips to Make the Process Easier

property managementSo you can shovel the powder and gather equipment, pay attention to the weather report. To avoid aches later, remember to stretch before starting. Also, bundle up in layers, as low body temperature can cause health complications. When shoveling by hand, keep feet hip-width apart, bend at the knees with your back straight, and don’t twist your torso when lifting. These techniques will help prevent injuries.

To cut down on time, you could also use a snowblower to complete the task. If you haven’t used it yet this season, make sure it has clean oil and new spark plugs. If ice is under the powder after clearing the property, sprinkle the ground with calcium magnesium acetate. It will help ice melt faster and add traction to prevent slipping. The covering doesn’t contain salt that breaks down concrete, either.


To keep a residential or commercial rental property running smoothly for tenants, contact All Pro Flathead Property Management. Based in Kalispell, MT, the property management company has been serving investment property owners in the Flathead Valley region since 1981. They will provide inspections, lease preparation, and additional solutions for your commercial or apartment rental. See how the team will oversee your rental property online and call (406) 755-1102 to discuss options.
