

You might be vigilant about wearing your sunglasses during the summer months, but the need to protect your eyes doesn’t stop when the weather turns cold. To prevent vision problems and stay comfortable all winter, follow these eye care tips. 

3 Ways to Prevent Vision Problems in the Winter

1. Use Artificial Tears  

The lack of humidity can make your eyes feel dry and irritated, and rubbing them frequently could make the problem worse. Instead, carry eye drops to help keep your eyes moist and hydrated. You can find artificial tears over the counter at any pharmacy. If you wear contacts, be sure to choose a brand that is safe for them.

2. Stay Hydrated

vision problemsUsing lubricating drops isn’t the only way to keep your eyes moist during the winter. You can keep your eyes from getting too dry by drinking plenty of water, and by using a humidifier indoors to maintain adequate moisture in the air. Make a conscious effort to blink more often, especially when working on a computer. This can help to prevent eye strain and dryness. 

3. Wear Eye Protection 

The sun’s UV rays are intensified by snow. Without appropriate eye protection, you could be vulnerable to vision problems such as snow blindness and a gritty feeling in the eye. Whenever you head outside on a sunny day, wear sunglasses with UV protection. If you're planning to be outside for several hours or at high altitudes, where the UV rays are stronger, wear goggles or quality wrap-around sunglasses to protect your eyes. 



If you have vision concerns, or just want to keep your eyes healthy, Allens Creek Family Optometry in Rochester, NY, is here to help. Their experienced optometrists offer comprehensive eye exams and Vision Therapy programs for adults and children, using the latest state-of-the-art eye care technology. To schedule a convenient appointment, call (585) 461-6225. You can also visit them online for more information.
