
Sleep apnea is a disorder in which breathing starts and stops while a person is asleep. It is a potentially serious medical issue experienced by some 22 million Americans, though 80% of moderate to severe cases go undiagnosed. Here’s more about common sleep apnea symptoms and how a dentist can help treat this common condition.


One of the primary features of sleep apnea is loud, frequent snoring. Excess weight, a large tongue or tonsils, or the shape of the head or neck can partially block the airway and make it more difficult for the lungs to get air, so snoring often takes on the sound of choking.

Sleep apnea sufferers might wake up gasping for air, or another person may report that the sufferer stopped breathing for a brief period during sleep. This produces restless sleep and can cause insomnia and daytime drowsiness, as well. Other common signs include teeth grinding, morning dry mouth, headache, trouble concentrating, and irritability.

How a Dentist Can Help

dentistIf you think you might have sleep apnea, visit a dentist as soon as possible. They can identify signs of teeth grinding, which is often the earliest symptom of the condition.

Grinding can wear away the surface and structure of teeth and make gums recede. It can also cause cracks in which bacteria can grow, leading to an increase in cavities. A dentist can fit you with a special appliance that comfortably and effectively keeps your breathing passages open when asleep. You will breathe easier, and your natural sleep cycle will be restored.


For sleep apnea treatment in Franklin County, OH, visit Augusto S. Fojas, DDS. Since 2002, this Westerville-based dentist has been providing a wide range of general and cosmetic dentistry procedures, from oral exams and X-rays to dental implants and teeth whitening. Dr. Fojas has specialized training in treating sleep apnea with the use of oral appliances. Call (614) 882-0275 to schedule an appointment, and visit his website to learn more about his services.
