
Urgent! Nutmeg Clinic in need of donated cat carriers of all sizes!

If you have a cat carrier (of any size) that you no longer need, please consider donating it to Nutmeg Spay/Neuter Clinic.  We often need carriers to transport our cats for adoption, for clients that cannot afford carriers, and to loan for public appointments in special situations.  Unfortunately, our loaner carriers have not been coming back recently, and we are in serious need of a replenish!  

*If you carrier is missing fasteners – not to worry – we have zip ties that we can reinforce the carrier

*If you have previously been lent a carrier and have not yet returned it – PLEASE return!  No questions asked! ;-)

Bring your donated carriers to:

Nutmeg Spay/Neuter Clinic

25 Charles Street

Stratford, CT, 06615

Questions? Comments? Email

