
Modern commercial roofing systems are exceptionally durable, capable of protecting your facility from the elements for decades. However, time, extreme weather, and neglected maintenance can cause leaks, which can quickly lead to extensive damage that may cost thousands of dollars to repair. Below are a few reasons you should have a leaky commercial roof repaired immediately.

Why a Leaky Roof Is Dangerous

1. Interior Damage

During a major storm, even a relatively small leak can allow gallons of water to drain into your building, soaking insulation, framing, and drywall. It doesn’t take long for water to destroy wall coverings, rot wood, and even degrade concrete walls and foundations.

2. Fostering Mold

commercial roofingMoist, dark environments are the ideal breeding ground for mold, which can quickly spread throughout your building. Not only does mold damage the structure itself, but the spores may pose a health risk to any employees with allergies or respiratory issues. Symptoms of mold exposure can range from sneezing and coughing to rashes and even asthma attacks.

3. Fire Hazards

As counterintuitive as it may seem, water infiltrating your commercial roof can actually be a fire hazard. Water running through your electrical system can create dangerous shorts, with sparking wires that can set fire to your entire building.

4. Reduced Energy Efficiency

Insulation works because of air pockets in the material that prevents heat transfer from one area to the next. Soaked insulation compresses, essentially closing those pockets and dramatically reducing the energy efficiency of your entire building.


As a leading commercial roofing specialist in North Carolina’sTriad Area, ChemTech Roof & Insulation Systems Inc offers the best products on the market for businesses throughout the area. Every roof they install comes with a 20-year warranty, giving you the peace of mind that comes from knowing your operation is protected for decades to come. Visit their website for more on their commercial roofing services and call (336) 767-4500 to request an estimate on your repair project today.
