
Whether you run a business or you’re checking your accounts on your home computer, you need a strong password to protect your personal information from being hacked. If you’re using a weak password, you might be exposing yourself to a number of internet crimes. The following IT support guide will help you strengthen your code to enhance your cybersecurity.

5 Tips to an Impenetrable Password

1. Avoid the Easy Option

When you’re first setting up an account, you might be tempted to choose a password that’s easy to type and remember. However, these options are often easy to guess as well. Avoid simple passwords, such as “12345678,” “abc123,” and “password.” Instead, choose an obscure memorable phrase to throw hackers off-track.

2. Don’t Use Key Personal Information

it supportWhile you want to remember your password, don’t use personal information that a hacker might be able to find from public records. For example, avoid using your children’s names, street name, birthday, or the year you graduated from college, as this information can easily be found online or on social media profiles.

Instead, consider alternatives that no one could find by snooping—such as the restaurant where you and your spouse had your first date spelled backward.

3. Go for Length

The longer your password is, the more attempts a hacker would need to make to reach a correct guess. At a certain point, they’ll likely run out of guesses and get locked out of your account. For the best odds, make all your passwords at least 15 characters or longer. To do so, you can make it a unique phrase or add special characters that you’ll remember, such as an asterisk or pound sign.

4 Change Every 90 Days

Even if you have a password that checks all the boxes above, it’s still important to update your password every 90 days. If a hacker has access to an old password–perhaps through a data breach–this practice ensures they will not be able to use an account in the future. 

5 Enlist a Password Manager  

A password manager will take your company’s security to the next level. This service generates and stores long, complex passwords for each user’s online accounts. The user just has to remember one master password that is used to unlock the password “vault” created by the password manager. 


If you’re need help safeguarding your business’s internet network, reach out to Insight Direct of Hillsborough, NC. They serve clients throughout Durham, Raleigh, and Chapel Hill with IT support. Whether you’re interested in adding onto your current setup or investing in managed services for your existing one, visit the website to get a comprehensive picture of the possibilities. You can also call (919) 245-7881 to speak with an IT support expert.
