
While the winter chill may drive a few pests inside to seek shelter, bugs and rodents often become more of a problem in spring as they reproduce. If you suspect wildlife could enter through cracks in your windows, doors, or basement, practice preventative pest control by using the following guide.

Indoor Pest Control

Seal Cracks

During cold snaps, the ground can shift due to the expansion of moisture in the soil. This can create cracks in your foundation that serve as an entry point for pests. Windows and doors are other likely places pests will enter from. Use caulking to seal even small holes and cracks, as most pests can fit through tiny spots.

Spring Cleaning

pest controlCreate a list of rooms you want to tackle during your spring cleaning. Focus on areas you don’t frequently sweep or dust, like the basement, the attic, and behind appliances. As you clean, thoroughly wipe down every surface because bugs can survive off of tiny morsels of food and water.

Outdoor Pest Control

Trim Landscape

Many people neglect their lawn during the winter, even in places with mild temperatures. Bugs and rodents like to make their nests in high grasses, weeds, and unkempt trees because they’re undisturbed by humans. Keeping your yard well-groomed will make pests living on your property move to another area.

Fix Leaks

Standing water is a natural habitat for many bugs, including mosquitoes. Other insects, like wasps, will use standing water for drinking. If you have buckets, trash cans, tarps, or anything else that may fill with water, empty them frequently. Fix any leaks coming from faucets outside, and inside, to prevent pests from using them as a water source.


As useful as these preventative measures are, they may not be enough to stop pests, regardless of the season. If you notice rodents or bugs in your home, contact Copter Pest Control in Enterprise, AL, immediately. For 60 years, this locally owned business has served its commercial and residential customers by providing cost-effective pest control. They use natural products that are safe for you and your family, as well as the environment. To learn more about their services, visit them online or call (334) 347-2430.
