
Working a desk job may not be physically demanding in the traditional sense, but its sedentary nature can still do a number on your body. If you don't have adequate lumbar support, for example, back pain is inevitable. If your desk happens to be the wrong height, you could end up with conditions like tennis elbow and carpal tunnel syndrome. Thankfully, all such complications are preventable by following a few simple tips.

How to Avoid Back Pain at a Desk Job

1. Adjust Your Computer

You should be able to see the entire monitor clearly by staring straight ahead. Adjust the height of the computer—or, if that’s not an option, the height of the desk—so the top of the computer display is at eye level. Then, push the monitor back so it’s at least one arm’s length away. This will prevent you from hunching over to see data in the lower portion of the screen.

2. Modify Your Chair

back painOnce your monitor and desk are in the proper positions, inspect your chair. When you sit down and place your hands at the keyboard, your elbows should be bent at a 90-degree angle. If they're not, raise or lower the chair until they are. Then, sit back down and evaluate how supportive the back of the chair is. If any portion of your back is not making contact with the chair, purchase the appropriate ergonomic pillow to fill the gap.

3. Check Your Feet

For optimal comfort over the day, your feet should rest firmly on the ground with your knees bent at a 90-degree angle. If they don't reach the floor after adjusting your desk and chair as instructed above, add a phone book or stool of the appropriate height. If, on the other hand, your knees are bent at an acute angle, raise both the desk and chair to accommodate your long legs.


If the above tips don’t relieve your back pain, your spine may be misaligned from years of using inadequate office furniture. For simple spinal adjustments, head to Rosemount Chiropractic Clinic in Dakota County, MN. This practice is comprised of licensed providers who have more than 60 years of combined experience in the field. Founded in 1978, they've been treating both acute injuries and chronic conditions ever since. To request an appointment, call (651) 423-2251. Explore their services online.
