
When it’s time to take your dog to their first animal clinic appointment, it’s normal to want to make sure you’re prepared for anything that could happen. Veterinary visits are necessary for routine checkups, emergency care, and annual vaccinations. However, these visits can increase stress and anxiety in pups. To help alleviate their stress, follow the tips below for a successful first visit. 

3 Steps to a Successful First Visit to the Animal Clinic

1. Gather Important Information Before the Appointment

It’s important to write down information such as what food your pet eats, what their potty habits are, and their activity level. Your pet’s vet may ask about their medical history, habits like whining, scratching or limping, and how often they exercise. All this information will play a role in their assessment of your pet, so have a few notes when you arrive.

2. Bring a Leash or Harness

animal hospitalA leash or harness will keep you and your pet in close proximity and help them feel surrounded by comfort. When walking into the animal clinic, keep your pet on a short leash. There will likely be other dogs and new people around, so minimize their stress level by keeping them close to you. If your pup weighs less than 15 or 20 pounds, a harness may be the best option.

3. Pack Your Pet’s Most Comforting Items

Before heading to the appointment, pack a tote bag full of comforting items such as treats and their favorite toys. Line the backseat or crate with their blanket to ensure they have a calming ride to and from the office. Packing comfort items that smell like home will alleviate your dog’s stress levels, especially when they’re in an unfamiliar place. 



The caring staff at Pet Fashion and Grooming in Hudson Heights, Manhattan, will make your pup feel comfortable during their first visit to their clinic. They have on-site veterinarians who thoroughly exam pets to ensure their health is at its best. Additionally, this facility offers pet supplies, grooming, clipping, hotel, and daycare services. To schedule an appointment at their pet clinic, call (347) 726-9409 or visit their website to browse their services.
