
The sciatic nerve runs from the lower back, down the leg, and to the toes. Problems with this nerve are relatively common, and symptoms can range from mild pain to severely debilitating consequences. Know the signs that this nerve is experiencing problems so that you can get the appropriate treatment from a chiropractor.

When to See a Chiropractor for Sciatic Nerve Trouble

1. Pain

Sciatica is the term to describe the pain from a sciatic nerve problem. This pain typically radiates along the path of the nerve. Because the nerve splits down each leg, the pain usually only occurs on one side of the body. It radiates from the bottom of the spine to the back of the thigh and calf. This may range from a mild ache to sharp pain. It may worsen when you cough, sneeze, or sit for a long time.

2. Numbness

chiropractorNerve damage can also cause a loss of feeling. Patients typically feel this numbness in their buttocks or along the backside of the leg. It may be partial or a complete loss of sensation. You may also feel a tingling or weakness.

3. Paralysis

Nerve trauma may paralyze the nerve, which means the connected muscles will fail to work. Issues in the sciatic nerve typically cause paralysis in the leg below the knee, and you may have difficulty bending your knee. Partial paralysis can occur as well, making the muscles feel weak.

4. Skin Discoloration

The nerve damage also causes changes to the blood flow in the legs. This may lead to swelling, making the skin feel tight and hot. It may also discolor the skin by making it appear pink, red, blue, or have a mottled appearance. 


A chiropractor can treat the core of your sciatic nerve issue, to naturally eliminate the symptoms, and restore your comfort. Get Well Family Chiropractic in Florissant, MO, uses chiropractic adjustments to align the central nervous system and relieve the pressure on the nerve. Learn more about their services online, and call the wellness center at (314) 524-2580 to schedule an appointment.
