
A bat infestation can cause significant damage to your home, from destroying your insulation and wiring to chewing through your walls. To prevent these issues, many homeowners will opt to have a bat house installed to provide a humane and safe bat shelter while keeping them out of their homes. To learn about the unique advantages of a bat house, consider the following guide.

A Homeowner’s Guide to Bat Houses

What Are Bat Houses?

Bat houses are wooden structures built to mimic the natural habitat of bats. Since these winged creatures like to roost in the bark of dead or dying trees, bat houses are constructed to resemble the area between a tree’s bark and its trunk. They are typically narrow, as bats prefer tight, dark spaces to keep their babies warm. Poorly designed bat houses will not provide a substantial nesting place and won’t adequately attract bats, which is why it’s essential to leave this job to the professionals.

How Do They Work?

Once the bat house is carefully constructed, it should be professionally installed to attract these creatures best. They’re typically mounted on poles or under the eaves of a home. Ideally, they’ll face East or South to provide direct sunlight. They’re generally placed within 20 to 30 feet of tree branches to prevent visual obstructions for the bats and to keep them safe from tree-lurking predators.

Why Should You Consider Installing a Bat House on Your Property?

bat infestationBat houses give bats a safe place to live while keeping them away from your property, where they can cause structural damage and spread diseases. While you don’t want bats on your property, they are beneficial for the ecosystem, as they help with pest control by eating spiders, mosquitos, and other insects. A bat house will help maintain the ecosystem as well as conserve their numbers and boost the local bat population.


If you have a bat infestation and are considering having a bat house installed on your property, put your trust in the professionals at Batman Enterprises. Their skilled pest control team has been providing successful residential and commercial bat removal services for over twenty years. Offering everything from a 24/7 emergency response service to structural repairs, homeowners and business owners can rely on these experts to get the job done humanely and efficiently. To get in touch with a professional exterminator for a free property inspection, give them a call today at (513) 600-3079 or visit them online for more information.
