
Like humans, cats’ health needs change as they age. As they go through the kitten, adolescent, adult, and senior stages of life, you need to recognize when you should adapt their home care. Working with a veterinarian is the best way to ensure they enjoy a healthy lifestyle and avoid age-related complications going forward.

What Happens As Cats Age?

Cats become seniors between the ages of seven and nine. Every cat year relates to roughly four human years of development after age two—which is usually equated to age 21 in human years. It’s a natural progression that comes with challenges; as a pet owner, you’ll need to be mindful of your cat’s needs.

As your cat ages, their immune system will weaken, making them more susceptible to illnesses. They may have less energy, which can lead to inefficient grooming.

veterinarian-denverBecause they’re more prone to infection, dental issues and skin conditions can be more common. There are mental health changes as well. For example, cats may be more susceptible to stress and less tolerant of noise and overstimulating environments.

How to Care for a Senior Cat

You’ll need to schedule regular trips to the veterinarian as cats age—roughly every six months. This is the perfect time to discuss diet, exercise, and their quality of life. The veterinarian can also prescribe medication for any conditions they have.

Also, create an accessible, warm place for your cat to rest. If they have trouble moving, make sure their litter box, bed, and water and food bowls are nearby. You may need to purchase a litter box with lower sides that they can climb into more easily. If your cat loves to nest on a windowsill or higher area, add steps so they can reach their favorite spot.

You may need to adjust their diet. Speak with their veterinarian about foods that will fulfill their health needs. You may need to reduce calories to prevent obesity. Provide clean water that their kidneys can process easily, and make sure to spend plenty of time with them each day.


If it’s time to schedule a veterinarian trip, contact Dr. Robin’s Housecall Veterinary Services. Dr. Robin Pongracz brings veterinary care directly to Denver, CO, through house-call services. She’s backed by 12 years of experience and can handle diagnostic and preventative pet care services, dental care, and vaccinations in the comfort of your living room. Call (970) 217-1260 to schedule a consultation and visit her website to learn more about her services.
