
A woman’s body undergoes significant change during pregnancy and will require unique care. Even your dental routine will need adjustments—since hormone fluctuations can make you more susceptible to certain risks. If you’re pregnant or plan on becoming pregnant, work with your dentist now to maintain a healthy smile.

Pregnancy & Oral Health

Issues You May Face

During pregnancy, your body produces more progesterone and estrogen, which can cultivate bacteria growth in the mouth. As such, gingivitis becomes more likely. As plaque builds up along the gum line, it will create pockets between gum tissue and teeth. Decay-causing bacteria can then attack the sensitive tooth roots. The following infection can develop into periodontal (gum) disease.

Gum disease can lead to premature birth, low birth weight, and other significant oral health problems for the baby. Mothers may also experience tooth loss, extensive infections, and even cardiovascular and respiratory complications after delivery.

Enamel erosion is another problem women face. Indulging in sweet, sour, and unhealthy foods to satisfy cravings may lead to decay. The acids from morning sickness may further wear down enamel.

How to Maintain a Healthy Smile

It’s wise to handle outstanding oral health issues as soon as you can. Contrary to popular belief, it’s safe to see a dentist in any trimester. The earlier, the better, however. Laying on your back may be difficult as the fetus grows.

dentistTo avoid enamel erosion, you’ll need to avoid too many sugary and processed foods. Instead, enjoy calcium-rich dairy, dark leafy greens, and fruits that will promote healthy teeth. Brush and floss at least twice a day and rinse your mouth after morning sickness. You should avoid brushing for at least an hour after to prevent enamel damage.


Tri-Cities Dental tailors to patients of every age and is backed by 25 years of experience. They create a warm, welcoming atmosphere at their Colleyville, TX, office and are led by dentist Dr. Rachana Sangani. This practice offers dental implants, teeth whitening, and other cosmetic dentistry solutions alongside general care. Call (817) 283-3427 to schedule a teeth cleaning and connect on Facebook for more dental tips. You can explore the practice further online.
