
You want your dog to live a long and comfortable life. In addition to keeping them vaccinated and at a healthy weight, oral hygiene plays a significant role in their well-being, so all dogs need to go to the veterinarian for regular teeth cleaning. The guide below explains the importance of canine oral care.

Why Is Teeth Cleaning Important?

Like humans, dogs are at risk of developing a variety of dental problems. Without proper dental hygiene, plaque from food particles and bacteria can build up over time to form tartar. This hardened substance latches onto teeth and causes gum inflammation and tissue decay.

With the reduction of tissue, teeth lose their supporting structures and begin to fall out. This is known as periodontal—or gum—disease.

veterinarianDental diseases are one of the most common health concerns pets face, with many cases resulting in broken teeth, jaw fractures, infections, and even organ damage when the bacteria from infected roots and gums enter the bloodstream

Affected dogs tend to experience severe pain, often resulting in discomfort while chewing and decreased appetite. To ensure your dog maintains a full set of strong, healthy teeth, dental cleanings are essential.

How Often Do Dogs Need Dental Cleaning?

Outside of daily brushing, a healthy diet, and chew toys, dogs should have their teeth professionally cleaned by a veterinarian at least once a year. Your vet will put your dog under anesthesia so they can thoroughly clean and examine their mouth for signs of gum disease.

There are certain factors that may require your pet to come in more often. For example, puppies and senior dogs are at a higher risk of developing problems and should visit a veterinary clinic twice a year.

Because their mouths are smaller and more vulnerable to overcrowding, small breeds may also need more frequent cleanings. If you begin to notice early signs of periodontal disease, such as bad breath, drooling, a brownish buildup on teeth (tartar), or redness along the gumline, set up an appointment with your veterinarian as soon as possible.


If your dog is due for a dental cleaning, bring them to A-4 Animal Hospital in Lincoln, NE. As a leading veterinary hospital, they offer a wide range of health services to dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, and small mammals alike. This full-service clinic is dedicated to providing personalized care for your companion, whether they need vaccines, dental treatments, surgery, or a routine exam. Learn more about their services online. To schedule an appointment with a veterinarian, call (402) 475-2282.
