
Most furnaces make noise every so often; however, unusual or excessively loud noises should be addressed. The below guide explains what different noises indicate to help you schedule timely furnace repairs. The sooner an HVAC contractor diagnoses the problem, the less damage your system will sustain.

What Furnace Noises Aren’t Normal? 

1. Whistling

A clogged filter can cause the heating system to make whistling noises because the fan uses any viable outlet to suck air. If cleaning or replacing the filter doesn’t solve the problem, there could be ductwork gaps requiring repair. Small ductwork can create whistling sounds as well because the air doesn’t have enough space to flow efficiently.

2. Vibration & Rattling

furnace repairIf your furnace has started rattling or vibrating, loose parts are likely to blame. There may be loose screws or covers that need tightening or loose ductwork requiring more screws. A furnace sitting on uneven ground will also vibrate and rattle without placing a cork pad or another similar material underneath. Padding absorbs noises along with creating level ground.

3. Banging

Banging or clanking sounds call for furnace repair because an internal part is either damaged or loose. If the heating system makes banging noises when you turn it on, flexing ductwork that needs reinforcing could be the issue. Ignition roll-out, or when combustion causes a bigger explosion, is another possibility requiring professional attention.

4. Squealing

Ductwork again takes the blame if your furnace squeals when you walk on the floor near the unit. Reinforcing or re-hanging the faulty duct can solve the problem, as can replacing it with a higher-quality material, such as aluminum with corrugated insulation.

5. Humming

A failing blower motor may start to hum, though it can also make screeching, rattling, or scraping noises. Furnace humming can additionally be due to a thermostat issue, such as a bad transformer that needs replacing. 


Don’t let a noisy heating system worsen; schedule furnace repair services with Glorieta Creek Mechanical to enjoy a quieter home and a longer-lasting appliance. The commercial and residential HVAC company has served clients throughout Santa Fe, NM, since 2006, providing heating and cooling repair and maintenance services from EPA-certified contractors. Call (505) 757-8872 today to schedule furnace repair, and visit the website for a closer look at their heating services. Like the Facebook page for more HVAC tips.
