
Area rugs add function and style to just about any home space. If you have an open floor plan, you may wonder which types of rugs will give the space definition and add to the overall aesthetic without looking busy or clashing with each other. Below, you’ll find a helpful guide on how to select area rugs for open plan properties.

How to Choose Area Rugs for Open Floor Plans

1. Create a Map

It helps to map out your space prior to shopping for area rugs. Make a rough sketch of your home’s open plan and decide which areas would benefit the most from a rug. For example, you might want to use rugs to create separation between your kitchen and living space, protect your flooring from damage in certain high-traffic areas, or add pizazz to places that lack color and personality.

2. Consider Rug Size & Furniture Placement

area rugsArea rugs should be the correct size so that they harmonize with your furniture. As a general rule, you’ll want rugs to rest beneath the front legs of your sofas and chairs in living areas. For dining rooms, all chairs should fit comfortably on your area rug even when pulled out. At the same time, make sure the rugs are not so large that they touch one another and blur the boundaries of the space. 

3. Think About Colors & Patterns

One of the easiest ways to make sure the area rugs in your open plan space look good together is by using the same color or pattern throughout. However, you might want to create contrast by using the same color scheme but two different patterns in your living and dining areas. Make the spaces feel distinct and separate by selecting area rugs in different textures, such as plush and nylon. 


When you’re ready to purchase area rugs for your home, get in touch with Georgia Direct Carpet Outlet. For over 50 years, they have provided gorgeous rugs and carpets to customers throughout Hamilton, OH. Call (513) 894-7700 to ask about flooring materials in stock, and visit the website to learn more about installation services. 
