
You rely on your HVAC system throughout the year to keep your home at a comfortable temperature. No homeowner wants their system to unexpectedly break down, leaving them to deal with costly repairs or even a complete replacement. Fortunately, by following a few basic maintenance guidelines, you can keep your HVAC system in top shape and even extend its lifespan.

Top 3 Tips For Improving HVAC Life Expectancy

1. Schedule Regular Tuneups & Cleaning

HVACYearly inspections give trained technicians the opportunity to inspect your HVAC system for any repair issues, clean the components to prevent wear and tear, and make adjustments to improve efficiency. Inspecting the air conditioner in the spring and the furnace in the fall of each year will help you avoid unexpected repair problems later.

2. Find Ways to Reduce System Usage

If you’re running your HVAC system non-stop, it’s only natural that it will wear out faster. A few simple practices will reduce HVAC usage so you can conserve energy and extend your system’s lifespan. Installing a smart thermostat will allow you to program low-energy settings for nighttime or when you’re away from home. Using ceiling fans during the summer so you don’t need to set the air conditioner as low can also ease the burden.

3. Change Air Filters Often

HVAC air filters are designed to trap dust, pollen, and other airborne contaminants, keeping them from affecting the system’s performance. Over time, however, contaminant buildup will force your system to work harder to draw in air. Replacing filters every three months (or more often for pet owners and smokers) will help maintain your unit’s efficiency.


No matter what kind of HVAC issues you face, you can count on T.M.T. Service Repairs in Savannah, GA. Drawing from over 20 years of industry experience, this home repair and HVAC contractor provides affordable and timely service. To learn more about their work or to request a free estimate, visit them online or call (912) 656-1062.
