
When you welcome a new dog into your home, their health and comfort is a top priority. Asking your veterinarian to spay or neuter them is an essential step in safeguarding their wellbeing. Find out why it’s so important below.

Why Should You Have Your Dog Spayed or Neutered?

1. A Longer Life

In females, spaying is proven to prevent uterine infections and potentially malignant breast tumors. Ask your veterinarian to spay your pup before their first heat to get the maximum protection. In males, neutering prevents testicular cancer.

2. Avoid Heat in Females

When a female dog goes into heat, it will seek mates and may exhibit behavioral problems like urinating indoors. A female in heat will also attract potentially aggressive males. Spaying keeps all animals safe.

3. Improve Behavior in Males

veterinarianNeutered males tend to be less aggressive and better behaved. They will be less likely to mount other dogs—as well as objects and people. They also won't roam far afield in search of a mate, which can be dangerous and lead them to take risky actions like crossing roads.

4. Save Money

In addition to your pet's health—which is a priority—there are practical benefits to spaying and neutering. The procedure is safe and cost-effective. It will require less money to get this procedure done than it would to care for a litter of puppies, get them all the shots they need, and more.

5. Fight Overpopulation

Unfortunately, there isn't a happy home available for every dog. Hundreds of thousands of canines are euthanized annually or forced to live on the streets as strays. Spay or neuter your pet, so you don't contribute to these numbers.


Hayward Animal Hospital of Sawyer County, WI, offers comprehensive animal care services for cats and dogs, including spaying and neutering. This veterinary clinic has been serving the community for over 35 years. Their veterinarians provide a comprehensive array of services, from animal surgery to pet boarding. Get a full overview of their offering online. For an appointment, call (715) 634-8971.
