
It’s easy to assume your well will always pump out endless amounts of high-quality water, but sometimes unexpected factors come into play, and it begins to dry up. Whether drought strikes your area or there’s an issue with the water pump, below are a few telltale signs that your well is running dry.

5 Common Warning Signs That Your Well Is Dry

1. Strange Taste

If the water level in your well dips below a certain point, sediment and deposits that collect at the bottom can make their way into your drinking water. This can cause the taste and smell of your water to seem different or odd. If you taste metal in your drinking water, let a professional know so that they can look into your well’s water level and also test for contaminants.

2. Water Pump Issues 

A pump that is running for a longer period of time is working harder to gather water and pump it out, which indicates a low water level in your well. Take note if your pump seems to be running longer than usual or is frequently switching on and off.

3. Declining Pressure

water pumpIf you notice that your water pressure has progressively dropped when showering or washing your hands, there may be a larger issue at play. While it could point to a pressure tank malfunction, your well water might be drying up. 

4. Discolored Water

Murky water dispensing from your faucets points to a dwindling supply of groundwater. If the water is too low, the water pump gathers sediment from the bottom, which leads to discolored water in your home. If your water is cloudy or a yellow-brown color, there is likely a larger and more serious drought issue. 

5. Sputtering Faucets

If your faucets seem to spit out water unevenly, it means that air is somehow entering your plumbing system. This could be because of a pipe or valve leak, but it may also be that the water pump in your well can’t draw up enough water, which means your well is drying up.


If your well appears to be running dry, reach out to the experts at Stackhouse & Son Well Drilling. Located in Bloomsburg, PA, they’ve been serving customers throughout Columbia County since 1971. Offering services from well drilling and pumping to water pump installation and repair, their team will get the job done right so you can enjoy a fresh supply of water in your home. Give them a call today at (570) 784-5034 or visit them online to learn more about their services.