When you’ve been hurt due to the negligent actions of someone else, you have a legal right to pursue compensation. However, this doesn’t mean you’ll automatically get a favorable outcome. Personal injury claims are often complex, and it’s common for both sides to conduct a thorough investigation before a settlement is offered. During this time, your actions are likely to be under serious scrutiny as the defense attempts to find reasons to deny or reduce your damages, so be cautious not to do anything that could jeopardize your case. Here are a few mistakes to avoid.

3 Actions That Could Limit Your Personal Injury Recovery

1. Waiting to Seek Medical Attention

If victims don’t appear to be seriously injured following an accident, they may wait to seek medical treatment. However, it’s vital to see a doctor right away. Symptoms aren’t always immediate or visible, and it requires an examination to diagnose the full extent of your injuries.

Delaying your medical care could also make it look like you aren’t as severely hurt as you claim to be, or that you’re not taking the necessary steps to get better.

2. Posting on Social Media 

personal injuryWhile social media can be a good way to keep friends and family updated on your activities, it’s not a place to share details of your personal injury case. Anything you post can be used as evidence by the other party to discredit your claim. Even innocent posts can be misconstrued in an effort to show the victim isn’t truthful about their injuries or the impact it’s had on their quality of life.  

3. Trying to Negotiate a Settlement on Your Own

Experiencing a personal injury can be financially devastating. If you’re facing a mounting pile of medical bills and are unable to return to work, it might be tempting to try and settle your case as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, insurance companies frequently make settlement offers that are much lower than the claim is worth.

If you accept a low offer, you may not get the money you need to cover your expenses. Having an attorney take over negotiations on your behalf is recommended, as they can implement strategies to obtain a maximum settlement offer.


If you have suffered harm due to someone else’s negligence, turn to the attorneys at Estep & Estep for legal guidance. They’ll fight to protect your right to compensation and prevent you from making errors that create challenges with your claim. Since 1953, they’ve proudly been representing the residents of Tazewell, TN, and its surrounding areas, and they know what it takes to build a strong personal injury case. Call (423) 626-3525 to schedule a consultation, or visit them online to learn more about their services.
