
Realizing you can’t access your home, car, or business can give you an instant feeling of dread. In addition to impacting your schedule, being locked out can also compromise your safety and the property’s security. Fortunately, locksmiths can help quickly. Below are a few instances you may require help.

Times You Should Call A Locksmith

1. Car Lockouts

It’s never convenient to be locked out of your car, especially when you are late for an appointment or going to work. Thankfully, locksmiths can use special devices like slim jims and key reprogrammers to unlock your vehicle from the outside, allowing you to snag those keys and get on the road quickly.

2. Compromised Security

locksmithWhether someone burglarizes your home or an employee quits their job and takes a set of keys, you may worry about the security of your property. During burglaries, thieves can walk away with extra keys in storage, facilitating easier robberies later. Disgruntled employees can use keys to access businesses to retrieve property or steal merchandise.

If your home or business security is compromised, contact a locksmith right away to have your doors rekeyed. They can issue new keys to your family or team members, giving the right people access and keeping the wrong people out.

3. Lost Keys

When you lose your keys, you may lose access to your home, car, or office. However, locksmiths can recreate keys from other copies, or create new ones from a code cutter device, which uses proprietary information about locks and cars to generate keys from blanks. When you get your new set, be proactive, and have a second set for the next time you misplace your keys.


Don’t compromise your security. Reach out to Adams Locksmiths at the first sign of trouble. Conveniently located in Columbia, MO, these professionally trained journeyman locksmiths can help with door hardware, safes, and bank vaults. To find out more about how they can help, visit the website or call at (573) 443-3333.
