
It’s not easy to lose a loved one under any circumstances. It can be especially challenging, however, if the death was entirely preventable. From establishing a support structure to consulting a wrongful death attorney, here are some of the most effective ways to overcome the grief that accompanies an unanticipated loss. 

3 Tips for Dealing With the Wrongful Death of a Loved One 

1. Seek Counseling 

Friends and loved ones will undoubtedly be supportive during such a trying time, but most people who are grieving can benefit from professional help. Make at least one appointment with a therapist who specializes in bereavement.

Depending on how the session goes, you can then decide if you want to make the meetings a regular occurrence. If it turns out one-on-one talk therapy isn't for you, joining a support group is also a viable option. 

2. Take Care of Yourself 

wrongful death attorneyFailing to eat well, exercise often, and stick to some kind of schedule will only worsen your depression. It can be incredibly hard to get up in the mornings after losing a loved one, especially if he or she lived with you. Your schedule will be in upheaval for a few weeks following the loss, but you should eventually commit to devising a routine that prioritizes your physical health and emotional well-being. 

3. Consult a Lawyer 

Holding the liable party accountable for their actions—or lack thereof—won't bring the deceased back, but it could at least yield the funds needed to protect your family’s financial security. What’s more, taking legal action may provide closure by helping your family achieve justice. As soon as you feel ready to discuss the situation, call a wrongful death attorney. 


If your loved one died because of someone’s negligence, contact Pater, Pater & Halverson. Located in Hamilton, OH, this firm is backed by nearly a century of experience in the legal field. As such, their compassionate wrongful death attorneys know what it takes to resolve even the most complicated disputes. To learn more about their commitment to protecting accident victims and their families, visit their website. To request a consultation with a wrongful death attorney on their team, call (513) 867-1411.
