
Every so often, you might crave some sweet and savory barbecue. As you enjoy your meal at a local restaurant, you might wonder how the chefs get the meat so juicy and tender. Below is a fascinating guide on how experts make the perfect barbecue.

Why Is Barbecue Meat So Tender?

Scientific Explanations

For meat to become tender, the connective tissue—known as collagen—must melt. When this happens, it becomes gelatin, which slides through the fibers of the meat. This gives chicken, pork, beef, and turkey a soft and juicy texture when you cut or bite into them.

The Art of Slow Cooking

barbecueYou must cook meat at a low temperature for several hours to make it tender. For medium to medium-well, barbecue masters will typically set the smoker to 140 degrees Fahrenheit and allow the meat to roast for anywhere from 12 to 24 hours. At this temperature, proteins coagulate and release juices that tenderize the meat. For rare to medium-rare, 120 degrees Fahrenheit is the temperature at which proteins begin to thicken, causing meats to become juicy while staying somewhat firm. 

How Moisture Helps

No matter how low you cook barbecue meats, they’ll inevitably lose moisture, and therefore, flavor. One of the best ways to prevent dryness is by brining the meats before roasting them. You can also marinate them for a few hours before cooking. Steaming, braising, or poaching during the cooking process will reintroduce moisture into the fibers to ensure that they remain juicy.


The next time you crave delicious barbecue, make Red's The One & Only BBQ your top destination. They offer hungry patrons throughout Ferguson, MO, a full menu of BBQ pork, brisket, wings, and ribs covered in their family sauce recipe. Call (314) 395-0513 to place an order for barbecue catering or takeout, and visit the website to learn more about this black-owned restaurant’s 20-year history.
