
A residential well can provide a reliable source of drinking water for your home. However, depending on its location and your local climate, you could experience a gradual reduction in supply. Avoid completely running out of water by learning to recognize the following signs and securing timely well drilling.

How to Know Your Water Well Is Drying Up

1. Strange Taste

If your tap water has an earthy flavor, your pump is likely drawing from the bottom of the well. The small amount of liquid can cause a slight mineral imbalance and will eventually reduce the quality of your drinking water.

2. Slow Recovery

After doing several loads of laundry and running the dishwasher, it’s common for water wells to shut down. However, those that don’t turn back on within the hour could be experiencing a low water supply. In this case, schedule well drilling to restore its functionality.

3. Sputtering Faucets

well drillingInconsistent water flow is a definite sign that the system is sucking up more air than water. This tends to happen when the water level drops lower than the pump and prevents the mechanisms from maintaining direct contact.

4. Slight Discoloration

Any changes in water appearance tend to reveal an issue with the well. While it could be a nearby disturbance that’s shaking sediment loose, there’s also the possibility of a low water level. This will increase the particle content and leave your water looking less than ideal.

5. Constant Running

If your water pump doesn’t seem to shut off, there’s a chance that it’s struggling to draw from the bottom of the well. The fact that it’s unable to produce a consistent supply means it'll keep reaching for more, which will eventually overwork the system. Constant cycling is another indicator of this issue.


Ensure your water well remains fully functional by reaching out to Branton Bros Well Drilling, Inc. in Dothan, AL. This locally owned and operated company has been in business for over 50 years, specializing in irrigation, well drilling, and other home water systems. They’re licensed and insured, and they also make themselves available 24/7 for emergency repairs. Learn more about their services by visiting their website, or call (334) 677-5489 to set up an appointment.
