
When the weather gets colder, homeowners wear warm clothes and crank up their heat to stay comfortable. Wild animals don't have this option. Instead, they seek warm places to hide, such as houses. Here are some of the main culprits that animal removal services can help with in the winter.

What Animals Use Houses to Stay Warm in the Winter? 

1. Rodents

Rats and mice are year-round pests, but they're especially common in the winter. They can make their nests throughout the house, including in the basement, attic, walls, behind furniture, and in storage boxes.

You might also see a surprising number of squirrels; since they're such good climbers, they often find loose screens or open vents in attics, allowing them to wriggle in. They're difficult to catch, so you'll need professionals to get them out and patch up the entryways.

2. Reptiles

Animal RemovalCold-blooded reptiles need warmth during winter to survive. They’re dependent on the sun or indoor areas with warm air. You're most likely to find them in crawl spaces and basements or wherever there's a crack in your foundation. Be especially careful of venomous copperheads and rattlesnakes. These should be handled by professionals.  

3. Larger Mammals

While it's harder for bigger animals to find ways into your home, the ones that do are hard to remove, as they'll often fight back and can carry diseases. Raccoon removal, for example, is a job for the experts, as they often have rabies and carry bugs. If a skunk has made a warm den under your porch, you don't want to risk having it spray you.


If you have any of these winter visitors, call American Bio-Tech Wildlife Services in New Milford, CT, for animal removal services. This nuisance wildlife removal company has almost 50 years of experience trapping and removing animals, from mice to bats to skunks. Their eco-friendly approach includes relocating trapped animals to forests. To schedule an appointment with a professional, call (860) 355-1231. Learn more about their animal removal services on their website.
