
If only a single copy exists on a computer server or hard drive, all of a business’s digital files can easily be lost to natural disasters, hackers, or data corruption. Backing up files should be part of any company’s basic cybersecurity protocols. 

Why It’s So Important

Data Breaches Are on the Rise

Data breaches increased by 54% in the first six months of 2019. Cyberattacks are serious threats to your company’s record-keeping, no matter the size of your operations. Ransomware attacks, in which hackers hijack data and blackmail companies into making a payment, are especially hazardous.  

The consequences of these attacks aren’t limited to lost productivity or recovery costs. Companies that have experienced these breaches typically lose customer trust and brand value. 

Accidents Happen

cybersecurity-new-yorkEven the most reliable employee can make an honest mistake. If they inadvertently delete files that aren’t backed up, recovery can be difficult or impossible. Besides user errors, computers are vulnerable to damage from viruses, hardware corruption, and physical damage from fires or floods.

Hard copies can be helpful, but relying on them can slow down workflows, and they too are susceptible to damage. Having a digital backup gives you more control over disaster recovery and cybersecurity in an emergency.

How to Back Up Your Company Data

Data backups should be performed daily. There are various ways to do so. Most businesses use cloud services for secure data storage, and monthly or yearly subscriptions are available to suit all sizes of data. Many IT consultants also provide data backup solutions for their clients with cybersecurity in mind. They might recommend an external hard drive or server, long-term archiving, or network-attached storage. 


If you need expert help setting up your data backup system, the global IT consultants at Mojo Tech can guide you to an affordable solution. Based out of Long Island, NY, they have clients of all sizes throughout the U.S. and the rest of the world. They will research your company’s needs and develop a custom plan that includes cybersecurity, disaster recovery, and data storage. Call (631) 604-4318 or visit their website for more details about their services.
