
A child’s poor oral hygiene habits can cause cavities and carry into adulthood, resulting in serious dental issues. February is National Children’s Dental Health Month, making it the perfect time to learn how you can have a positive impact on your little one’s teeth and avoid emergency trips to the dentist. Here’s a guide with more information to get you started.

What’s Oral Hygiene?

Oral hygiene is the practice of keeping the mouth clean to prevent dental issues, like tooth decay and gum disease. To ensure good oral health practices, your youngster should brush twice a day and floss at night. Schedule a dentist appointment for them every six months to get their teeth professionally cleaned and inspected.

Why Is Oral Hygiene Important for Children?

dentistApproximately 20% of children between ages five and 11 have at least one untreated decaying tooth. Establishing proper oral hygiene early will help your little one develop and maintain strong, healthy teeth. Tooth brushing should become part of your kid’s daily routine during their first year of life. As they age, your youngster will become more independent and take the initiative to practice good oral hygiene on their own. These positive habits will follow them into adulthood.

How Can I Support My Child’s Oral Health?

If your little one is young, brush their baby teeth for them by using an infant toothbrush and a grain-sized smear of fluoride toothpaste. When they’re old enough to hold and maneuver a toothbrush, monitor them to ensure they thoroughly and properly clean their teeth for at least two minutes.

Additionally, you should minimize your child’s sugar intake by limiting the candy and desserts they consume. This is an essential part of oral care, as sugars feed harmful bacteria in the mouth.


Partner with a reliable dentist to ensure your child’s smile stays healthy. The team at Honolulu Keiki Dental | Kapolei Keiki Dental on Oahu is committed to providing youngsters with quality oral care in a welcoming environment. They specialize in children’s dentistry, offering everything from routine cleanings to orthodontics and emergency care. Learn more about their services online, or call (808) 944-1603 to schedule an appointment.