
Are you taking steps to go green in the workplace? If so, reducing the amount of waste you generate is a great place to start. You’ll find that employees and clients appreciate your efforts, and you may also enjoy some financial and productivity benefits. Here are a few tips for eliminating trash in the workplace and why you should partner with a local waste disposal company.

How to Cut Down On Waste in the Workplace

1. Remove Single-Use Items

Plastic water bottles, cutlery, paper plates, and other one-use products are a significant source of waste. Instead, invest in reusable, washable products. Purchase refillable water bottles for employees, and add a water filter to your sink, so you won’t have to use a water cooler. For storage, purchase reusable plastic bins instead of cardboard boxes and degradable containers. You’ll enjoy savings from not having to repurchase items.

2. Go Paperless

waste disposalGoing paperless is one of the best places to begin. Most utility and financial companies will provide documents via email to cut down on paper waste, so sign up. You can pass documents around the office via email and use project management services to post and house content drafts. Invest in cloud services, so employees can collaborate digitally, and make sure all remaining paper use ends with recycling. Add a message at the bottom of emails letting clients and customers know that you prefer digital communication to support your efforts.

3. Educate Employees & Add Recycling Bins

Make sure employees know how to cut down on waste and what can be recycled through the waste disposal company. You can email charts for them to revisit. Make sure there are also well-labeled recycling bins throughout the office. Educating employees can also lead to conservation at home, further benefiting the environment.


If you’re looking for a waste disposal company in the Ozark, AL, area, contact Southeast Waste Disposal. These professionals provide comprehensive trash pickup services to businesses in Dale County and the Wiregrass Area. Call (334) 774-4158 to speak with a representative, and visit their website to learn about their dumpster rental services. Connect with them on Facebook for news and updates.
