
Your oral health is an important aspect of your overall well-being, and preventative dentistry is the best way to keep your teeth in optimal shape. Dental cleanings, regular checkups, and annual examinations allow your dentist to track the health of your teeth and gums. If you’re looking for a proactive way to care for your mouth, consider the following benefits of dental cleanings.

Top 3 Benefits of Having Your Teeth Cleaned

1.  Prevents Cavities

When you eat food, a white film known as plaque coats your teeth. Brushing and flossing are usually enough to remove this acidic substance, but if it gets caught between your teeth, it can harm the enamel and lead to decay. During a dental cleaning, the hygienist will remove this film from stubborn areas between teeth and in the crevices of your molars to prevent cavities. They can also detect early warning signs and determine whether any new hot or cold sensitivity is due to a cavity forming.

2. Combats Gum Disease

dental cleaningGum disease is most often caused by poor dental hygiene. While mild gingivitis is often reversible through proper in-office and at-home care, the advanced stages can lead to serious consequences, such as chronic inflammation and eventual tooth loss. Most cases of gum disease are diagnosed during a cleaning, and the dentist can recommend a treatment plan that minimizes the need for more invasive procedures later.

3. Whitens Teeth 

Foods and beverages that you consume daily may be staining your smile, whether it’s your morning cup of coffee or a glass of wine after work. Once these stains are set in, they can become difficult to remove and may cause permanent discoloration. Regular checkups and cleanings enable your dentist to assess the level of discoloration and remove it with a professional cleaning or a whitening session.  


If you want to take steps to improve your overall oral health, schedule a dental cleaning with the professionals at the Implant Center of Maui in Kahului, HI. For more than 30 years, this compassionate team has provided patients with a comfortable and modern environment to get the preventative, periodontal, emergency, and cosmetic dental services they need. To learn more about what you can expect during a teeth cleaning, visit them online or call (808) 877-3606.
